Monday, April 09, 2007

Simple Math

Do the math:

Councilor Haller votes herself an 84% payraise.


The City of Worcester faces a $23 million shortfall.


The City will shutter all pools.


Time for Lynne Simonds to represent District 4, she will use the pay raise to fund desparately needed projects in District 4.


At 5:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what are projects that are desperatly needed?

At 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

one code enforcement guy assiged to take care of trash, cemetaries without maintenance, lack of enforcement of building violations, not enough police patrols and the police chief looking to slash 23 positions or overtime assignments, no small business development or attention to infrastructure needs of the existing small business community, rotting park benches, poor utilization of parkland, locked bathrooms in Elm Park, unregulated lodging houses that popped up in the news when people were living in a carved up basement (Haller was too busy chasing social service agencies), exodus of major businesses out of the district (pressmet, curtis cab).

funding is needed to address all of these problems, and the raise haller is pushing so hard for to line her pockets with gold could be used directly for part of one of these projects.

At 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, fine. Lynne gets a gold star for making the most obvious and easy political pledge possible.

Now, will she come to the council with a full-fledged proposal for streamlining costs in city government, so as to avoid or minimize future budget issues?

At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if its so obvious, why did Haller vote herself a raise when there is such a shortfall? other councilors voted against it. What is easy, is to vote yourself a raise in the same year in office and then falsely claim you canvassing neighbothood here and found support there. I saw letter to the editor which says Haller did not have her support... where is the support? who? where are their letters to the editor?

Lynne Simmons doesn't have to explain her position, it Haller who owes us voters an explanation and budget plans since she has seen over this budget for the last six years.

I am sure Lyn has a plan, my neighbors will wait and watch.

At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone ever think to ask Haller why her domestic companion is 10s of thousands of dollars behind in his real esate taxes and why he was 100's of thousands behind in the past?

At 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do the math.

The more social service agencies in the city,

1. The lower the quality of life

2. The lower the tax base

3. The lower the number of solid middle class taxpaying citizens who will want to live here.

Is this the same Haller who voted to give Millions in city money to the new Hand It Over Theatre?

At 3:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like a flip-flopper to me too, bash the agencies who are doing hard work to help the poor, and then hand out cash to a new theatre. like a reverse robin hood, bashing the poor to give to the rich.

why is she so obsessed with social service agencies anyway? everyone knows they do great work for the city.

stop bashing the social services, we need em.

Tim Flanagan


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